The pain of unreachable love

The pain of unreachable loveThe pain of unreachable love. The pain of unreachable love. Love is one of the most discussed topics worldwide. Much is written about it, most lyrics refer to love, because love is the best thing there is. For everything in life we have to pay, except for the sun that goes on and for love. Love is free and for nothing, you do not have to do anything for it and ironically, we can give our life to love. We want to use our lives as a means of payment to get the unattainable love.

When love hurts
Love that is unreachable hurts, it always hurts. We want that love, left or right, and can be obsessed with it 24 hours a day. It can disappear into the background for a few hours, by being engaged in our work, or another activity that really requires our attention, but as soon as we are confronted with ourselves, the thoughts of unattainable love in all forms begin to master us again. to become. What is that with love, which we do not have to buy?

Love has two sides
Self-love and love of others. Those who experience a lot of pain from unattainable love, deny themselves much love. Haven’t learned what self-love is and because of this they can have their life long with unattainable love. You must learn to embrace love. You have to learn to dare to allow it. You have to learn that without self-love, love from others is unattainable and will remain, as long as you do not first embrace your own love.

Love is feeling and those who feel pain from unattainable love feel very much, only they have not learned what feeling means. With the result, only disappointments in love. The universe wants us to live here in love. As long as money is the motive, and therefore power differences are there, we will never live here completely in love. We strive for it, although we are not all aware of it. Love always wins from the ego.

That happens in small, with yourself. After a period of anger, the anger ebbs away and you come back to self-love. That is how it is. Why does unattainable love hurt so much? Because you can not get it. And as long as you can’t get it, it feels as a terrible pain that cuts through your soul. Your soul, it hurts, but now it comes. You do it yourself. You allow it. You want that unattainable love, because you think that if that love is there, you do not have to feel any pain anymore.

Love never hurts
Well, even if that unattainable love suddenly stood before you, the pain remains, it becomes more intense. There is a reason for that. The universe wants to make something clear to you. As long as you deny yourself self-love, which does not allow, love from others will be and remain unattainable.

So love will remain unreachable for so long with that intense pain it brings with it, until you awaken. Awakening is the realization that you deny yourself love. The moment the awareness comes in, and that is only possible when love hurts incredibly, hurts you so that you are literally forced into something, only you have no idea what. Then you are about to be born again.

The rebirth is the transition to a different consciousness. You realize that you can no longer continue like that. Your body will leave you on all sides. This is the moment to talk to a medium on NieuweTijd. The medium will help you with your rebirth. She can tell you how you can start loving yourself. The effects of it are great.

So don’t walk around with pain from love. Chat with a medium on NieuweTijd to learn how to love yourself so loving another person is a piece of cake.

Kind regards Von medium