There is a reason for bad times in life

There is a reason for bad times in lifeThere is a reason for bad times in life. We can’t escape it, every person will get a few bad times in his life. It is a period op personal growth. It is getting awake and get more awareness. The purpose of our lives is to awaken. For that reason we need bad times in our lives. they wake us up. This gives us more awareness and awareness.

It is a time of letting go of the old and daring to embrace the new. And we have a hard time dealing with that. Then there is always a good medium available, who takes care of you, to support you with everything that you are confronted with.

Most questions asked by clients who contact a psychic on Mastermedium refer to relationships. Nothing is as important as having or finding a nice relationship. And as a human being we often make a mess of it. Then we get stuck completely.

We get stuck, often due to our own actions. We have not been smart, have believed something that is not the truth. We have looked and thought that the other also thought it would leave us in the dark. Whether it is constantly waiting or the other person is going to make themselves heard. All things in love that we get stuck on. And all of them equally painful, sad and as a psychic we understand this too.

The person who seeks contact with a psychic, who is through it, is uncertain, is stuck in something. And in such a way that it itself sees no way out. He wants answers. He realizes that he is working on it 24 hours a day and would love to get rid of it, but how. As long as we are stuck, we do not yet see what the intention is.

The intention is something very different that we think. We think how will I get the other person back. Then we can continue it on the same footing. I finally want to find that love of my life. As long as we have those thoughts, we are looking and not happy.

The purpose of getting stuck in something is not to stick to what was. Just don’t want it back. But people want it back at all costs.

this way we stop our own personal growth and we don’t wake up. we need the same lesson again, which gives us even more pain. Then we will come to the realization.

When we discover why we need to wake up, we suddenly understand the purpose of life. We are here to live, to enjoy. We haven’t done that in our lives.

We are now starting the second half of our lives, around the age of forty. then we get angry that we have not known before. We blame others for this. But then we wake up again. We see that we cannot blame anyone for this.

Those were not awake when they got you. who did what they could. But luckily you are now so far that you have find yourself.

Now you are ready to live with consciousness. you pass the fear. you no longer accept the differences of opinion. you can see that it is all useless. you recognize those who are still asleep.

You meet new people who have also awakened. you have nice conversations with them that have depth. you no longer worry if another love comes your way. life is good as it is. you are ready to receive.